Rain Barrels from Clean North
A rain barrel is an all-natural way to water your lawn and garden with recycled rain water. Rain barrels collect the water from your roof during a storm and store it so you can use it later.
Our rain barrels are made of feed grade plastic and hold approximately 230 litres (55 fallons) of rainwater. They come equipped with a spigot for easy connections as well as a screened lid to keep debris and pests out.
Get your barrel today! Each barrel is contructed locally by Clean North volunteers.
Our rain barrels are made of feed grade plastic and hold approximately 230 litres (55 fallons) of rainwater. They come equipped with a spigot for easy connections as well as a screened lid to keep debris and pests out.
Get your barrel today! Each barrel is contructed locally by Clean North volunteers.
Benefits of Rain Barrels
- You use natural (un-chlorinated) water on your garden and lawn.
- Your can make natural compost tea.
- The water is allowed to warm, thus avoiding temperature shock to your plants.
- They help control run off and basement flooding.
- With an attached soaker hose, they can automatically water your garden.
- The water is soft, making it useful for some lime intolerant plants, steam irons, and humidifiers.
- You are part of the water solution.
The Facts
- A fully open house tap delivers about 20 liters of treated water a minute.
- A typical residential roof sheds about 100 litres fo water for each 1mm of rainfall.
- A typical barrel holds 200 litres of water.
Care of Rain Barrels
- The barrel should be placed high enough off the ground to allow a gravity flow.
- Several barrels may be connected to gather more water.
- The cover/screening should be cleaned to keep out insects, leaves, neighbours' pets and kids!
- They must be drained (and cleaned) before the first heavy freeze.
- If necessary, they may be painted or hidden by tall flowering plants or bushes.
- They must be stored for the winter. Check each spring for cracks/leaks before reinstalling.
- Apply an all purpose plastic cleaner with UV protective qualities.